Monday, May 7, 2007

First Blog

OK this is my first blog entry. I'm doing this for the California School Library Association and so I can learn something.
Have you read the Gregor the Overlander series? I just finished the last book in the series - it's inventive, fun, entertaining, and has plenty of blood and gore to compete with popular media today. The main character, Gregor, is a charmer.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Hey, Library Man! Welcome aboard. Remember to include WEEK# and THING# in your post headers. It comes in real handy when you want to refer back to things you learned or when you want to add items to earlier posts. Enjoy!

bibliotecaria said...

Hi there,
Yes, I really like the Gregor series. Here's my comment (after George Pilling's) on a list that went up some years ago. It's on the 1st page of the PDF file.

Hey--I was visiting Visalia last week and tried to go to the public library, but they are CLOSED on Fridays, so I spent my time at Borders instead. Oh well. I'd never been to your fair city before. Interesting. It's a big step up from Tulare, I'd say.

Ashley Wolff said...

Dear Library Man,I think I really need a pseudonym to enter this bibliophile world. I choose 1000words. AW